لینک کوتاه


محتوای ارائه شده در این سایت توسط کاربران تولید می شود و تستچی نقشی در تهیه محتوا ندارد بنابراین نمایش این محتوا به منزله تایید یا درستی آن نیست. مسئولیت محتوای درج شده بر عهده کاربر سازنده آن می باشد.

  • جهت اطلاع از قوانین و شرایط استفاده از سایت تستچی اینجا را ببینید.
  • اگر محتوای این صفحه را نامناسب یا مغایر با قوانین کشور تلقی می نمایید می توانید آن را گزارش کنید.
نظرات بازدیدکنندگان (289)
  • شب شده پر ستاره‍‍
    ‏اورثینک میگاد دوباره😚🥰

  • imageʟᴜᴋᴀ☆

    Happy New Year Riley؛🎀🎀🎀🎀😭🎀😭😭🎀😭🎀😭🎀😭🎀😭🎀🎀✨

    سال جدید مبارککک‌ رایلیییی؛😭😭😭😭🎀😭🎀😭🎀😭🎀✨🎀✨🎀✨🎀✨🎀🎀🎀🎀😭🎀🎀🎀🎀😭🎀😭🎀🎀🎀

    امیدوارم به هرچیزی که میخوای برسی و توی امسال خوشحال باشی؛😭😭😭✨✨😭✨🎀✨🎀😭🎀🎀

    • تو هم همینطوررررررر😭😭🎀✨🎀😭😭🎀🎀✨😭😭😭🎀✨🎀🎀🎀😭😭😭😭✨✨🎀🎀😭

  • imageʟᴜᴋᴀ☆

    Cause sometimes I look in her eyes, and that's where I find a glimpse of us
    And I try to fall for her touch, but I'm thinking of the way it was
    Said, "I'm fine" and said, "I moved on"
    I'm only here passing time in her arms
    Hoping I'll find a glimpse of us

  • imageʟᴜᴋᴀ☆

    When you're out of sight in my mind
    'Cause sometimes I look in her eyes, and that's where I find a glimpse of us
    And I try to fall for her touch, but I'm thinking of the way it was
    Said, "I'm fine" and said, "I moved on"
    I'm only here passing time in her arms
    Hoping I'll find a glimpse of us

  • imageʟᴜᴋᴀ☆

    Tell me he savors your glory, does he laugh the way I did?
    Is this a part of your story? One that I had never lived
    Maybe one day, you'll feel lonely
    And in his eyes, you'll get a glimpse
    Maybe you'll start slipping slowly and find me again

  • imageʟᴜᴋᴀ☆

    When you're out of sight in my mind
    'Cause sometimes I look in her eyes, and that's where I find a glimpse of us
    And I try to fall for her touch, but I'm thinking of the way it was
    Said, "I'm fine" and said, "I moved on"
    I'm only here passing time in her arms
    Hoping I'll find a glimpse of us

  • imageʟᴜᴋᴀ☆

    She'd take the world off my shoulders if it was ever hard to move
    She'd turn the rain to a rainbow when I was living in the blue
    Why then, if she's so perfect, do I still wish that it was you?
    Perfect don't mean that it's working, so what can I do?

  • imageʟᴜᴋᴀ☆

    چقدر اینجا مثل صاحبش وایب خوبی میده 😭✨🎀

  • imageʟᴜᴋᴀ☆


  • http s://Dig iPostal.ir/cb 73wyi

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