10 اسلاید صحیح/غلط توسط: Viana انتشار: 3 سال پیش 67 مرتبه مشاهده شده گزارش ذخیره در مورد علاقه ها افزودن به لیست
An off-the-wall, curious soul, PrinceTATA
TATA is a crown prince on Planet BT. Possessor of supernatural powers and a hyper-elastic body that stretches to great lengths. #PlanetBT #offthewall #superpowers #Prince
The pure-at-heartCHIMMY
CHIMMY always sports the signature yellow hoodie and is compelled to work hard on anything that catches CHIMMY’s attention. #passion #workhard #playhard #harmonica #yellowhoodie
Mystery dancerMANG
Dancing runs in MANG’s veins. Wherever there’s music, MANG’s probably there breaking out some cool moves. Veiled under a mask, MANG's true identity remains a secret. #heartshapednose #mask #mystery #bestdancer
Brawny, hearty rumpsCOOKY
Don’t let COOKY’s perky appearance fool you. Always full of heart and boundless stamina, COOKY’s that one friend you can always count on. #unbalanced #eyebrows #loyal #imaginarymuscles #wisecracker
Gifted sleepyheadKOYA
Brilliant, multi-talented KOYA is quite the ‘sleeping cutie’. KOYA naps with a mind heavily filled with thoughts. #talented #pillow #droopyeyes #removableears
Kind, loving, foodieRJ
RJ loves cooking. RJ loves eating. It's usually in that order. The fluffy fur coat and compassionate soul make everyone feel right at home. #greetings #gentlesoul #parka #omnomnom
Mini pranksterSHOOKY
Tiny SHOOKY loves pulling pranks, especially ones dropped on friends. The one thing SHOOKY hates most is milk. #fun #manyfaces #mini #CRUNCHYSQUAD
Guardian space robotVAN
The sentient and all-knowing robot VAN seems to be knowledgeable. in just about everything in the galaxy. Acts as protector of BT21, 24/7. #guardian #vehicle #transforming #robot
bye bye
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