لینک کوتاه


محتوای ارائه شده در این سایت توسط کاربران تولید می شود و تستچی نقشی در تهیه محتوا ندارد بنابراین نمایش این محتوا به منزله تایید یا درستی آن نیست. مسئولیت محتوای درج شده بر عهده کاربر سازنده آن می باشد.

  • جهت اطلاع از قوانین و شرایط استفاده از سایت تستچی اینجا را ببینید.
  • اگر محتوای این صفحه را نامناسب یا مغایر با قوانین کشور تلقی می نمایید می توانید آن را گزارش کنید.
نظرات بازدیدکنندگان (34)
  • توجه... توجه...
    قسمت ۲۹ به صورت پارت به مارت داخل اینجا قرار گرفته و.. به عدادشم توجه نکردین اشکال نداره چون به ترتیب هستن. و از یه جایی به بعد انگلیسی هستش.. اگر خیلی بد بود قسمت انگلیسیش عذرخواهی میکنم.. چون مسلط نیستم و فقط یه نسخه آموزشیه شاید.

  • imageTroublemaker
    Little Stark

    برگام!😭😂،اگه تونی بفهمه....

  • Jaspine: That was the best se..s I've ever had!
    ما روی تخت دراز کشیده بودیم و بهم‌ نگاه میکردیم. جاسپین: من عاشق موهاتم. مثل خورشید میمونن روشن و گرم... صبا: من چشمای آبی تو دوست دارم. جاسپین: چرا؟ صبا: چون چشمات من رو یاد اقیانوس و آسمون میندازه.
    We hug each other and sleep till morning.

  • Phone: Ringing! Saba: someone calling me.
    I get up and I picked up my phone, It was Tony!. I hanged up and kis..sed Jaspine again. he pulls a little of his di..ck and i was going to cry .Jaspine: hey do you want me... to.. Saba: JUST DO IT! He kis..sed me and put all of his di..ck inside, and I screamed. he puts in and out for several times and after few minuets we came togeather.

  • Jaspine: I can't take it no more.
    He lay me onto his bed and gets on me. took out his shirt . he had six..pack!
    I turn around him from under him to on him. I kis..sed him again and lay my toung till his di..ck . I suck his ....and played with his balls, his di..ck got too big and he was getting red. Jaspine: Can we do it?
    Saba: yeah.
    Jaspin pulls out a con...dom and put on .he lays on me.. and put his two fingers inside me. I moan ! Jaspine: you are too tight

  • , puts his lips from my legs till my pu×..ssy. puts his lips into me and play with it, up and down. I was mo...aning

  • , he was suc.×.king my breast and I was getting wet. he went on his knees and put out my under wear,

  • Jaspine: OMG you look..ho.t
    He pulles me over the walls and kis..sed me. and then he goes down till my bre...asts,

  • Saba: before he says anything, I kis..sed him. for
    few seconds.we got seperated and this time Jaspine kis..sed me very hard. we were kis..sing each other for minuets and we were out of breath. until , I get too high, and I put my hand on his pants.
    Jaspine: Are you sure about this?
    Saba: yes..
    He took out his coat and pants, and he undressed me.

  • اما من عقب کشیدم صورتمو. ) جاسپین: اوه خب فکر کنم زوده..

برای ثبت نظر باید وارد حساب کاربری خود شوید.